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jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Praying to Jesus, but working away

As the year 2011 ends, we take the opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We want to wish all the best and that next year will be very successful, both personally and collective.

We, like everyone else, will use these days to relax and share with the family and friends. However, that doesn’t mean we will “totally” go on vacation, since we’ll take the advantage of the holiday to upgrade our space, check what was done to correct what has been wrong and develop what is right.

Surely most of you will do the same, rest to “recharge batteries”, have fun, share with friends and family, and in some way, evaluate how they were this year that is about to end and what are the outlook for 2012. Everyone does it as the popular saying goes “an ounce of sense”, everyone but our sport and institutional leadership.

Some of you will say “damn…not even in Christmas those people leave alone the poor Minister and the poor Federation”. To which we say, who has a position of representation in a public or private institution must always be willing to be evaluated (their management) and accountable their activity. Those “poor people” have to keep reminding that neither the Ministry is owned by the Ministers and his officials, nor the managers of the Federation for more “private civil association” that is, so they’re exempt from accountability their work.

So we keep praying to Jesus, but working away. Merry Christmas to you all!

Traducciones/Translations: Rafael E. Viscuña F.

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